Team Pilgrims

Team Pilgrims
Team PIlgrims

Olympic Gold Medallist Jamie Staff

Olympic Gold Medallist Jamie Staff
Olympic Gold Medallist Jamie Staff is supporting our event and will be cycling alongside us

Sunday 9 May 2010


The day dawned cool, with some drizzle and a breezy NE'ly wind, but that didn't daunt some 350 individuals who tackled the tri-hospice challenge. It was a great day for all levels of cyclist. I left from Pilgrims Hospice Ashford in the company of Jamie Staff, Richard Davis and David Jones. Jamie gave me some good tips which helped me conserve energy and get up the hills. We made the Canterbury Hospice in reasonable time and Jamie and I scattered the first set of Forget-Me-Nots in memory of loved ones departed. We pressed on to the Thanet Hospice into the head wind. We met and chatted with some other cyclists who were friends of Dr Bill Crawley, a member of Team Pilgrims. The ride near Manston Airport was somewhat exposed to the wind but we made the hospice and tucked into some splendid sandwiches and then scattered the second set of Forget-Me-Nots. Jamie and the faster cyclists left early, and we were surprised when they passed us en route to Sandwich. I don't think they had ever been to Margate and Ramsgate! We were even more surprised when they passed us again after Elham. Rumour has it they by-passed Sandwich and went on to Deal before doubling back. I think they managed to turn a 74 miles ride into a 90 Miler! After a brief stop at Rhodes Minnis village hall we made the Ashford Hospice at around 1630 to scatter the final Forget-Me-Nots and receive our medals.

I would like to say a big thank you to all who organised the event, to the generous sponsors and to those who rode it. Without such generosity we wouldn't be able to continue to provide free of charge the tender and loving care from the hospices which is why we all do what we do. Thank you. Ohby the way, shall we do it again next year?

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